


Retained Search
If you have an urgent position that must be filled within a certain time constraint, or that is a confidential replacement or addition to your team, you'll directly benefit from our retained searches. Our retained searches offer our clients the highest level of service within our firm and include a position specific dedicated team and dedicated time allowance to ensure fulfilling your need(s) as efficiently as possible. We have the ability to customize each search, including payment terms and conditions, to meet your individual company's needs. Point to Point Consulting guarantees our retained searches in writing.

Contract Staffing
This service will allow you to maximize your work force flexibility in today's rapidly changing business environment. You can lower head count, lower payroll, and adjust staff levels as workloads change. All you need to do is approve time sheets and pay weekly invoices, and let Point to Point Consulting handle everything else. Fees are per hour, and are based on the difficulty of the position. We have staff available and can usually have someone at your offices performing in days.

Contingency Search
With this level of search between Point to Point Consulting and your company, Point to Point Consulting will be able to take immediate action on critical and urgent searches on an on-going basis. Contingency-based searches are typically awarded to Point to Point Consulting on Exclusive Basis. You will not incur any costs for contingency search until you hire a candidate that we have referred. We are dedicated to providing the best quality candidate for all positions, in a timely manner.

Interim Executive Services
Based on our extensive database of experienced executives and senior managers, we can also serve as interim CEO, COO, Vice President of Marketing, or Vice President of Business Development. Interim participation is available on a part-time or full-time basis until your executive search has been completed.

Our commitment to diversity and bringing “A” players to our corporate clients relies on our ability to provide a win-win relationship to both individual and company.

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Job Placement
Open to a Career Move? If you are considering a job move, we want to know about you. Contact your Point to Point consultant contact@ptopc.com!

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Global Partners in Executive Recruiting
At Point to Point Consulting we stand by our dedication to locating talented professionals for full time career opportunities, contractors/consultants for short term projects, and executives for our retained searches. We believe in building partnerships with our clients and becoming an extension of their business. Our mission is to treat our client with Respect, Integrity and Performance.
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